Connected Building

The buildings you manage are inefficient in how they use the data they produce. Traditional Building / Building Energy Management Systems (BMS) (BEMS) harness and produce flat reports on pockets of data from systems that are grouped together, e.g. Energy metering, Lighting, HVAC etc. LoweConex patented and powerful data-sphere brings all these otherwise unconnected data points together.

Start your journey

Pull Data from Every HVAC Unit

LoweConex make it easy to ingest HVAC data direct from the unit or from any BMS controllers you already have in place. Using our hardware agnostic system, you can pull data in quickly and move faster toward centralised control and actualising rapid change.

c.100million data points, per minute.

Superior data capture matches any estate size.

Automatic Alarm Triaging.

When fault alarms are raised from HVAC units, LoweConex will used automation to triage what the fault is. If the fault requires human intervention to implement a fix, our software will automatically alert your teams and ensure rapid escalation to maintain asset operation.

Mass Switch-Offs

Often buildings have HVAC units running continuously, however for compliance purposes there is usually no requirement for continuous HVAC operation. LoweConex automation gives users control to trigger regular mass switch offs in the HVAC portfolio throughout the day, resulting in previously impossible energy saving estate-wide.

Reportable Audit Data.

All recorded temperature data can be reported on for up to 5 years and is automatically archived thereafter.

Automated Temperature Monitoring

Operate independently or connect to any compatible controller. LoweConex can monitor asset, ambient and product temperature at a data resolution of 60 seconds.